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“There is something delicious about writing the first words of a story. You never quite know were they’ll take you.”— Beatrix Potter


As far as I can remember, I liked to tell stories. The teenage girl I used to be wrote romances that had no effect on others; or rather, they made them tell me to quit writing which I did. Ultimately life grabbed me and threw me on crooked paths towards who knows what destiny – if there is such a thing.


Writing is like a virus, and I am glad to say that I was never cured. I shily started again, now and then, in verses and prose… I published my first collection of poems, “A New Season” in 2005 – through French publisher Publibook – to put my grandfather at ease as I had moved from France to Sweden. He never read the book – or maybe he did I actually do not really know – but I do know that when he held it, he was proud and happy.


“Writing is the only thing that when I do it, I don’t feel I should be doing something else.”— Gloria Steinem


Since then, my projects are fusing and filling different needs I have as a writer. Some might not see the publishing presses – but they might not be meant for them either; while others are starting to unfold nicely here and there.


“It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it.”— Lena Horne.


Nothing is impossible in life. I would be a starving poet if I relied solely on my writing, this is the reason why I have a regular job, therefore the time I used to put in writing has vanished towards other responsibilities.

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